Just install Nito Installer to your PC, click Install Nito TV to Apple TV, then use the NITOTV app on the ATV2 to install KODI-ATV2 from there, works perfectly:) Reply Like Mark as Spam 1. You have to jailbreak your AppleTV before installing these apps. Here is how to jailbreak your Atv: -Nitoinstalle.
Kevin Bradley, aka nitoTV, has released Nito Installer, a new utility for jailbroken Apple TV 2. Nito Installer makes it very easy to install nitoTV or XBMC on your Apple TV.
Hit the jump to learn more about Nito Installer and links to download Nito Installer for Mac.
When it comes to installing 3rd party apps/jailbreak apps on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, we’ve an awesome Cydia jailbreak store. But, for jailbroken Apple TVs, you’d have to use SSH or use Terminal commands in order to install 3rd party apps such as nitoTV or XBMC. This is where the Nito Installer shines…
Nito Installer allows you to easily install XBMC and nitoTV to your Apple TV. You don’t need any technical expertise to do so. Just click on a button and you’re done! You can also use Nito Installer to run custom commands.
Nitotv Download
Nito Installer requires your Apple TV to be already jailbroken. If you’ve not jailbroken your Apple TV yet, your can always use Seas0npass to jailbreak Apple TV.
Nito Installer For Apple Tv 2
Nitotv Installer Mac Download Windows 10
We’ll be posting Nito Installer tutorial shortly…